Now the parish hopes to build an additional structure with up to 800 seats, but must first pay off its existing $400,000 construction loan.
The site cost £550,000, the cinema took seven months to build at a cost of £232,755 with 2116 seats.
The corporation plans to build a 14-screen movie theater with up to 4,000 seats on the top floor.
It was built with approximately 1,200 seats over three seating levels.
It was built in 1970 with 4,500 permanent seats with a total capacity of 5,500 including room for 500 standing spectators.
But it also wants to build a family of jets with 80-130 seats.
The project's large size had been questioned before construction began, including by a university consultant who recommended building the arena with 3,500 seats.
A civil version was built with seven seats.
In 1959, the town hall was built with 600 seats.
There he built a theatre with nearly 1000 seats and created a 2.2 kilometer beach.