This Heighliner design was built under the direction of my father, and I know how these ships work.
The dam was built under the direction of Thomas Aldwell.
In 1401-1440, the stone bridge was built under the direction of Gil de Menestral.
This section shows much less variation in the design as it was built completely under the direction of these two men.
The church was built under the direction of the Dominicans.
It was built in 1672-1676 under the direction of Juan de la Marca.
The numbers 9 and 10 were built under the direction of Casimir Echenier.
The church was built by 1594 under the direction of Luciano Quaranta.
It is located at number 18 and was built under the direction of Abraham Hirsch.
He built a new aqueduct with a modern filtration plant under the direction of Ing.