During orientation in Denver before coming to the Ice, Polies gave themselves nicknames as part of a "ropes course" exercise to build teamwork.
The high school students play a series of games intended to build teamwork and self-confidence, according to the program director, Beverly McEntarfer.
The school board of Denver set aside funds for a program in which gifted children, including the Sleepless, could use their talents and build teamwork through tutoring even younger children.
But there was a deeper purpose: to build teamwork, enhance communication and promote problem solving.
It builds teamwork.
Horses and riders need to practice obstacles at home in order to build the trust and teamwork that enables them to be smooth on the trail.
"We are blurring the lines between software and hardware and trying to build teamwork," the lab's director, Paul Mugge, said.
He tried to convince himself he was building teamwork, but he knew this was false.
Some of the reasons include the need for faster communication, useful messages transmitted, outlets for imagination and apprehension, and helps build teamwork and corporate identity.
Physical fitness training builds physical conditioning, teamwork, and self-confidence.