Athletes take anabolic steroids to help build muscle and stamina during training.
Just how effective Saito's effort to build stamina during the summer would be quickly became evident during the fall season.
Recently, she has been trying to build stamina for the 2012 elections.
Doctors who see no reason for the changes contend that long hours build stamina.
Often ill as a youngster, he began skating to build stamina and at age 14 became national junior champion.
A carefully structured and balanced program of exercise can, over time, help build stamina.
Tomorrow he would run again, building his strength and stamina, preparing for the day when the assassins would come.
To build stamina, hold any of the tools tightly for as long as you can, gradually increasing the time.
People should be encouraged not to diet but to build strength and stamina, she said.
The two-hour sessions are designed to build strength and stamina in his legs.