His practical training started at his father's mill, where he was given a lathe and built small working steam engines.
The decision was made to build small freestanding "milk houses" in residential neighborhoods.
Was the universe she built too small for the spirit of the men who now possessed it?
Soon after completion, tribal officials determined they built too small for their clientele and went underway with an expansion.
Some are built very small but are otherwise relatively normal.
For starters, these units have to be built pretty small, so they don't protrude like boils on top of the cameras.
The cathedral's history shows that most windows were built very small, in Romanesque style.
Hawat brushed crumbs from the chair before he sat at a table built too small for a man of his size.
Especially during the Sputnik era, they were built small and tight without a view to the future.
When built small, it could come on with a teasing title like "Brontosaurus."