The political momentum built inexorably, and within a month's time, the Berlin Wall had fallen.
The story builds inexorably, carried along by its own brand of otherworldly eroticism.
Tension built inexorably as the away team moved on through the darkness, their only light what they had brought with them.
Simple sentences build inexorably to pin the reader, with a shocking abruptness, in a charged web.
From this point on, the tension builds inexorably.
But these outings were mere interludes in a process that is inexorably building toward a climax.
In contrast, the hand claps and footwork of her "Farruca" built inexorably to strong climaxes.
Until then it had been only a presentiment; the merest sense of events inexorably building towards a climax.
"Rainbow" is powerful now in the way the dance builds inexorably with the songs, overloud on Saturday night, to a tragic climax.
Each section builds inexorably to outbursts of aggressive intensity.