Mickle also built a strip club set and Bernie Rose's apartment in an abandoned building.
Ms. Roth also intends to build a second, 99-seat theater in an adjacent building that will be used for small productions and workshops.
"We'll build 3,000 to 4,000 square feet of space in a building and use it as a template for larger tenants," he said.
With a $30,000 grant from Colonel Astor, he built a huge coil in a building topped by a 200-foot antenna.
The concept was to build three academic "houses" in separate buildings, plus an octagonal central building.
The Moors built their galleys in a building behind the tower, and launched them through a large arch in the sea wall, later closed.
The ship, he writes, "was built here, in a building that is being turned into a museum."
All of the units will be in a renovated three-story former school built in the 20's and an interconnected new building of the same size.
It is the first depot in Singapore to be built in an existing building.
The new shelter is to be built in a city-owned building that currently houses a state-run psychiatric outpatient center.