He built the Italianate-style house in the country for his daughter, Florence, who suffered from tuberculosis.
It is also said that Suraj Pla built this lake for his daughter.
Later he built a copy of the Weber house for their daughter and her husband across the street.
He later had a playhouse built for his daughter that stood in its own garden.
The Doll House, which he had built for his daughter to play in, still stands, and is used to house staff.
He built a prototype for his 6-year-old daughter, and rave reviews from around the neighborhood convinced him that it had commercial potential.
It is next to the temple he built a pyramid for the king's daughter, Hénoutsen.
He built the home as a wedding gift for his daughter and new son-in-law.
That suit was specially built for his daughter.
His attention to detail is so acute that in the dollhouse he built for his daughter, the windows move up and down.