Some build burrows which can be left open or have a trapdoor (depending on species).
Like other pebble-mound mice, the species is known for building shallow burrows with a mound of pebbles surrounding the entrance.
Animals build nests, burrows, and protective cases and so alter the environment they experience in a way that may select for further adaptations.
It is not certain whether Sinopesa builds burrows.
They build burrows in areas with sparse cover.
Slow and rather clumsy on land, they build burrows in banks near water, allowing for easier food access and a quick escape from predators.
Most prominent in herdfields and strandline vegetation where it also builds burrows.
Idiopidae build burrows, and some species close these with a door.
The animal builds large burrows and perhaps associated mounds and eats plant roots.
They are strong diggers and can easily build burrows that are several feet long.