The houses on the estate are traditionally built red brick, mainly three and four bedroom with the occasional five bedroom.
The tower is built brick by brick, and when she's a grown woman it can be a fortress.
It is built of imitation "Savannah gray" brick and has a copper patina roof.
But great blogs and lenses are built brick by brick, a little at a time.
Many merchants built fine brick and stone town houses along the quay side.
The masonry of self-esteem is built brick by brick.
"Defense is a team enterprise that has to be built brick by brick, over a long period of time," he said.
Third, collective security has to be built brick by crumbling brick at the U.N. and in regional organizations.
The council built brick dressing rooms and a committee room at the back of the wooden stand in order to support the club.
Governance can only be built brick by brick from the bottom, from the ground floor, from our nations and regions.