It was built in 1882 as a gift from the sugar baron Peter Redpath.
It was built in 1928 as a gift from Norsk Hydro.
The house was built in 1748 by Ebenezer Barnes and his son as a gift to the son's wife.
During 1910-1911, Munthe had a 14-room summer home built in Sweden as a gift to his wife.
The artist built it not only as a studio but also as a gift for the Mexican people.
Mortan built eight pews for the church as a gift; they remain in use.
Bancroft built the structure as a gift for his wife.
It was built by a whaling captain in the sixteen-nineties as a gift for his bride.
Lane also took over the farmhouse her parents had built and constructed a modern stone cottage for them as a gift.
The stadium was built in 1955, as a gift from the Italian Labour Union.