After a moment, the bug began purring.
So the bug began the long trip home to its master-and Hun caught it again and held it for another Day.
Nurses had cooled his mother with washcloths, scrambled to find flashlights, and opened windows until bugs began flying in.
It would be entirely different if the wind died and the bugs began to pop, but it wouldn't necessarily be better.
As it did, the bugs began to sing again - first hesitantly, then with more confidence.
As he watched, several bugs emerged from the tops of the bushes and began to ooze aimlessly up the wall.
At that precise moment, long, fat white bugs began to squirm into Albert the Blob's room.
The sun was sinking, painting the surface of the water gold and orange, and bugs were beginning to gather as the afternoon cooled into evening.
But bugs began to come out.
The vase-shaped, elegant elm was America's tree, until an imported bug began systematically killing it off.