The difference now, he says, is the budgetary crisis.
So by all means, let's tackle the budgetary crisis created by public sector pensions.
It is too expensive, and we already have a budgetary crisis in Japan.
"Every library in the world is going through a budgetary crisis."
Here he was able to witness from the inside the collapse of the Labor government following the economic and budgetary crisis which began in 1988.
Even in Sweden, once the paradigm of the welfare state, a budgetary crisis has forced reform.
Unfortunately the city is always in some kind of budgetary crisis, and few politicians balk at pulling money away from here.
Acknowledging Florida's budgetary crisis, he said the priority should be to take care of state employees.
The serious journals are full of alarms about a budgetary crisis that threatens to sink America in perhaps 20, maybe 30, surely 50 years.
While there was some economic growth in 2003, a budgetary crisis weakened the state.