The budget-making process will mainly consist of months of political arguments about how much money the state has to spend.
Anyone who watched the muddle that was this year's budget-making process knows how much the state needs to clean up its act.
It means they are horrified by the state's budget-making process.
Many members feel they were cut out by the meeting, which in effect superseded the power of individual committees to follow the regular budget-making process.
Mr. Pataki had promised to open up the budget-making process when he was running for office.
The vote reflected continued frustrations about deficits and the budget-making process in general.
"What students have to fight for now is more of a voice in the budget-making process," Mr. Moses said.
Part of the problem, one senior finance ministry official said, was that American pressure came too late in the budget-making process to be effective.
But he says he does not want to tie his hands in the budget-making process.
Why does the law give the governor the power to drive the budget-making process?