The transit agency already faces unrelated budget troubles, which it says could lead to an additional 25-cent increase in subway and bus fares.
He contends that the way he has handled Virginia's budget troubles is a good measure of his governing skills.
We don't expect 100 percent funding when the city is having budget trouble, but this process is too complicated to make anyone happy.
Mr. Armstrong admits the budget troubles played a role in these resignations.
A14 How California banks are dealing with the budget troubles.
But nobody knows whether the state, facing budget troubles, will be able to pay for any improvements.
He says that despite the state's budget troubles, the last phase of a four-year income tax cut, scheduled to take effect this fall, can be preserved.
Once watched only by bond traders, the state's credit rating has won a wider audience after four years of recurring budget trouble in Albany.
Ms. Hernandez works in the city's recycling office, which could be closed because of budget troubles.
As those options were being discussed, the budget troubles hit.