Pawlenty has been criticized by some for providing a short-term budget solution but coming up short in his long-term strategy as Governor.
The crazy-quilt budget solution depends on funds that will not be available next year, including about $2 billion from the tobacco settlement and federal aid.
In that sense, today's agreement between the legislative leaders fell short of providing an overall budget solution.
"Everybody in the state of Connecticut felt that the unions should be part of the budget solution," she said, trembling with anger.
I'm trying to find a budget solution to her problem.
As for politics, Democrats need a budget solution much more than Republicans.
But with all the players bought and paid for, it is also true that any final budget solution represents a party line battle of special interests.
"There is a desire on the part of both sides to find a budget solution."
An eventual budget solution will involve all this, and more.
If tax increases are to be a part of any budget solution, Republicans want Democrats to propose them.