Over the years he was frequently a critic of municipal budget preparation, warning against "borrow-now-pay-later" schemes years before the city's fiscal crisis in the mid-1970's.
The WUB are in charge of fee collection, operation, administration, budget preparation and expenditures.
The contract-acceptance deadlines are necessary both to help speed budget preparation and to set the total to be borrowed through bonds, he said.
He was highly involved in the budget preparation and other legislative operations and was a key line writer for the daily question period.
A Business Administrator assists the Mayor in budget preparation and administers purchasing and personnel systems.
The budget preparations, he told reporters, will concentrate on help for small and medium-sized businesses, new industries, and the swelling ranks of the unemployed.
Filipinos now had equal say in all aspects of policy making and budget preparation.
AS Connecticut towns complete their budget preparations, municipal officials say they are facing some of the largest property-tax increases in years.
Financial Services handles budget preparation and payroll, accounts payable, contracts maintenance, facilities, fleet and purchasing.
Local budget preparations for the 1990-91 school year are in the preliminary stages, as school boards present proposals to local fiscal authorities.