This is preferred by investors as it guarantee some return if the film fails or has budget overrun and from the producer's overhead.
It seems much of the budget overrun and production difficulties are owed to the elaborate nature of the staging.
The Games cost the country dearly, and more than the massive budget overruns, estimated by some to be upwards of £4 million.
A budget overrun of €300,000 is believed to be the cause of the company going into liquidation.
The Arjun project experienced serious budget overruns and repeated delays that resulted in a development time of over 37 years.
In May 2007, a $1.5 billion budget overrun was reported.
Further criticisms surround the project's £24 million-plus cost to taxpayers, caused by a budget overrun.
After heavy budget overruns, the final construction cost was at 2,8 billion French francs.
Ego clashes, budget overruns and long delays plagued the project.
What is certain is that everything that lies ahead will involve budget overruns.