We weren't staying at some budget motel off the Interstate.
Or a budget motel with a history of burglaries might be expected to have window grilles.
At first glance, the apartment has the clean, efficient look of a well-run budget motel.
IF you can survive on the road only with the aid of a wall-mounted hair dryer and a sauna, forget budget motels.
They make halting attempts at intimacy on the bed of their budget motel and again in a movie theater, but this time with disastrous results.
He described them as 'associates' and tried to visit every store at least once a year (always staying at budget motels).
"When we got back, he called a friend, Paul Green, who was a building contractor, and proposed this idea for a budget motel," his son said.
In addition, there are over a dozen budget motels offering rooms from $25 a night for two.
There are a few budget motels a couple of blocks inland from the main street that would probably 'rent' you tent space.
Within an hour, his men had found the budget motel where the Earp family had been registered.