Since 2001 the government has set up seven large reserves and almost doubled the sector of the budget earmarked for environmental protection.
Military budgets earmarked for scientific research have never been so fantastically huge.
Now it is the turn of the Pentagon and a budget of $40 million earmarked for projects like village schools and wells.
The Army would most likely have fewer than 30 days to recommend how it would spend the $475 million in the fiscal 2003 budget earmarked for the artillery system, the official said.
No department has a section of its budget earmarked for "waste".
He had railed against the Legislature's practice of adding millions of dollars to the budget earmarked for projects in specific lawmakers' districts; the budget contained $80 million in these so-called member items.
Indeed, the first ladies have voted a budget specially earmarked for the battle against Aids.
The year-on-year increase in the budget earmarked for this programme, which amounts to nearly EUR 1.028 billion in 2011, is a sign of the justified need for development and cooperation in this field.
The budget earmarked for EU agriculture should therefore remain unaltered.
Indeed, I find it somewhat hard to believe that the budget earmarked for the launch of the scheme - counted in tens of millions of ECU - will be enough to give it any real impetus.