We have a chart available showing the major budget categories for this fiscal year.
In the case of a conference, the negotiators would agree on spending limits for budget categories, including the military and benefit programs.
Aim car toward computer store, dash in, hand column to clerk and point at budget category.
Accommodations in the budget category are generally $100 or less a day for two, sometimes with meals included.
When a budget category came close to its limit, the audit said, school officials were able to shift funds among accounts.
In another budget category, Medicaid funds would drop to $25.4 billion from $27.5 billion next year.
A great deal can be said about the many budget categories.
This reserve accumulates resources across a number of budget categories.
Will there be possibilities for transferring between the budget categories?
The money was under the "secret budget" category, which meant that state officials could spend it without having to account for it to the government.