Other European budget carriers may soon try to muscle in on France's domestic market.
The model followed by the budget carriers has worked so well that some of the traditional airlines have started to fight back.
And it's not just subscribers to the "unlimited" services or indeed the budget carriers that are being affected.
Here are some things to note when you've resigned yourself to taking a budget carrier.
During the same period, the number of full-time workers at budget carriers rose 15 percent, to 68,089.
But there are indications that the budget carriers may bypass both cities to fly directly to points inside China.
At least three other Chinese budget carriers are planning to begin operating this year.
One more budget carrier to add to the list.
The move bucks the current trend in Indian aviation, where half of the six major airlines are budget carriers.
On the budget carriers, which are the only practical choice for me where I am, there is no such thing as 'coach' or 'first'.