In a further breakthrough, the increase in funding is supported by a general budget appropriation.
They are part of a $4.1 billion supplemental budget appropriation that was approved by the House today on a vote of 365 to 43.
But in government, the major tool they have is a budget appropriation.
Not everyone is as thrilled as the administration with the budget appropriation.
Michigan's territorial legislature responded with a budget appropriation of $315,000.00 to fund its militia.
A whole range of strategies tend to be adopted by those seeking budget appropriations.
"I hope to get a 1990 budget appropriation and get the Navy on track," he said.
We consider the budget appropriation to be inadequate, given the needs that exist.
To be able to do that, therefore, it must have the necessary budget appropriation.
In 1996 almost 100 % of budget appropriations were committed.