Mr. Gore's budget advisers acknowledged that the country had never sustained such growth over a 10-year period.
Bush campaign aides and budget advisers are split on how best to handle the issue of the economy.
And Mr. Netanyahu's budget advisers were equally outspoken in their complaints.
For weeks, budget advisers had drafted detailed options, and Mr. Clinton reviewed them over the last 10 days.
B3 Lowell Weicker's budget adviser will be State Representative William Cibes.
With a state budget still not in place 11 days after the start of the fiscal year, Mr. Cuomo spent the day with his budget advisers.
During the past month, one of Mr. McGreevey's key budget advisers, Anthony Coscia, described the property-tax rebates as "a big target."
The Mayor's budget advisers could recalculate some of their estimates of the city's tax revenues during the next fiscal year, based on current tax revenues.
Gov. George E. Pataki's budget advisers see the same trend.
The President's budget advisers have been driven by political concerns, with little, if any, regard for the real consequences of their budgetary actions.