Mr. Gregson said that his church from the early 1800's, near a one-room schoolhouse, offers bucolic grounds for the ceremony.
Its bucolic grounds, 50 miles outside the Twin Cities, are called "the campus," while discounts on Hazelden's $12,300 monthlong "tuition" are called "scholarships."
Activity centres around the lodge, with its Baroque and Renaissance features and pretty, bucolic grounds.
Later we lunched on the sweet local trout at the Motel Salto del Laja's fine restaurant, which overlooks the falls, then hiked around the bucolic grounds.
Still, the Mother Superior, Sister Marie Anatrella, who emerged from the monastery's bucolic grounds to survey the convicts at work, approved.
Never mind that the bucolic grounds were sandwiched between a motel and a complex of modern office buildings.
But there are also the bucolic grounds of this Berkshires retreat, along with the ever-present aura of dance history.
But at the Hudson River center, with its Victorian architecture, bucolic grounds and highbrow pedigree, that kind of long-term loyalty is commonplace.
The monastery has more than seven acres of bucolic grounds, with grassy knolls, stately trees and a lake.
Most of the sculptures on exhibit are in the museum, with a handful of the more monumental pieces scattered around the bucolic grounds.