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While he was imagining the intimacy of traveling with her, she was merely grateful to be escaping a brutish husband.
Ms. Lathan's acute sensitivity balances the mere plot-device-conception of Ann Merai, and her moodiness seems to be a logical reaction to her brutish husband, a onetime football star whose glory days are over.
In this novel, a Scottish woman, suffering from a loss of faith and hungry for love and human touch not to be had from her brutish husband, falls into a dark romance with a pop-psych guru.
In 1925 Sydney, Caddie leaves her adulterous and brutish husband and takes her two children, Ann and Terry, with her.
Martin Donovan does far better, bringing fresh energy and realism to her brutish husband, Tom, so often seen as a stock villain.
Many of the poems naturally have feminist themes - complaints about lack of formal education, domestic duties and brutish husbands: 'Wife and servant are the same /But only differ in the name'.
She is essentially sold off by her father to a brutish husband as if she were a workhorse with a lame leg.
A young woman, obliged by the mores of the day to marry a brutish husband, discovers through an odd set of circumstances the fulfillment that eluded her the first time around.
A poor white living in Oudtshoorn, in rural South Africa, she runs a kennel with her brutish husband, Jack, and finds love only in the company of their dogs.