Despite every effort and a brutal round of cautery, Pesquil's sunken flesh and fevered skin affirmed the healer's prognosis: the wound was still bleeding inside.
Shavers then had a thunderous match with hard hitting Ron Lyle but was stopped after 6 brutal rounds.
After a brutal first round, Kurt realizes that they are outmatched by Tong Po and tries to convince his brother to stop the fight.
It's different now, under a new publisher who has just engineered a brutal round of newsroom cuts and seems to think the phrase "online ad revenue" is inspirational.
So, after a brutal fifteen rounds, the decision goes to the man in the white beard and the tunic, L. Tolstoi.
But after a brutal sixth round, Taylor's legs became rubbery and he was stopped 2 rounds later.
After a particularly brutal sixth round, the two fighters stood smiling at each other after the bell, seeming to indicate that they were enjoying the mutual mauling.
After a brutal round of questioning and confrontation... the winning couple cleans up and immediately enjoys the wedding of their dreams, surrounded by friends and family.
Understanding what's going on in couture shows today can be like surviving a particularly brutal round of "Jeopardy!"
After 15 brutal rounds, Holmes was awarded the title via an extremely close split decision.