At the same time, the efficient and sometimes brutal police have kept the anti-American and pro-Palestinian demonstrations to a minimum.
The population is governed by the oligarchy of Unknown Fathers through brutal police and military repression.
Of course, over there the tabloids have recreated you as a martyr of the brutal and inefficient American police and judicial system.
The notoriously brutal police are hot on their trail.
Under Ceaușescu, the Securitate was one of the most brutal secret police forces in the world, responsible for the arrests, torture and deaths of thousands of people.
Using an elderly circus performer as an interpreter, Stieber forced Simonides to return the money by threatening to hand him over to the notoriously brutal Greek police.
Judoon are galactic police, brutal in their precise application of the law and highly logical in their battle tactics, but not very intelligent.
At first, civilian government officials countered the insurgents with brutal police sweeps.
'The brutal fascist police have also been told that you are here,' Raleigh said softly.
The program has supported some of Latin America's most brutal police and militaries, although it has improved in recent years by emphasizing police over military efforts.