Which would mean that Francesca has taken on a brutal murderer as her lover.
All leads points to a brutal murderer with White House connections known only as Zeus.
A savage, brutal murderer of a god.
He is a brutal murderer.
She has trouble with her husband's profession, considering him more a Robin Hood-like character and just another "crook" rather than a brutal murderer.
The victorious countries had to work together to bring some of WWII's most brutal murderers to justice.
It would be good to see you condemn without reservation Assad, the brutal murderer of his own people (including children) .
It is not on the side of her brutal murderer.
She flung herself upon the brutal murderer and battled tooth and nail, while Cliff tried vainly to rise.
Many others believe he should have acted in the most questionable cases without providing leniency to some of the state's most brutal and unrepentant murderers.