They have, in several brutal incidents, been deprived of their life and property.
One of the most notorious events to rock the sport was the infamous and brutal knee-clubbing incident of 1994.
This brutal incident evokes into the battle of "Kurukshetra".
Set during a civil war in Japan's Heian period, the spirits of a woman and her daughter-in-law seek revenge after losing their lives to a brutal incident.
In 1978, a particularly brutal incident vilified him in white eyes.
Police officials described the case as one of the most brutal incidents of child abuse they had seen.
A video of the brutal incident was released on the Internet.
Oh, just a rather brutal incident ... a predator attacking one of Mabel's types.
In the first moments of her return, she had asked Ship why she had been shown that brutal incident, and had received an enigmatic response.
On 5th on February 1919, a brutal incident took place.