But we are now more than a year in to this brutal Tory-led government and are beginning to see the full scale of the cuts.
"Do you think we never dream of those things other women haves and which this brutal government has denied us - home, a mate and children?"
The US government has long been willing to fund or trade with various corrupt dictatorships and brutal governments in the middle east.
Why are some people who ordinarily deplore brutal governments reluctant to hold China's tyrants to account?
Events have moved so quickly and the scars of years under a brutal government run so deep that even the best intentions get confused.
Or was he just another outsider, an agent of a brutal, tyrannical government which had cast her out?
If the Federation would not deal individually with subject worlds, it might be condoning the continuance of a brutal government.
'Verwoerd and his brutal government should be in this dock,' he said.
In Moscow he became accustomed to a brutal government's ability to provoke callous indifference to suffering among its people.
Its illegitimate, brutal and dangerous government must be dealt with firmly.