Luca is assigned by the Godfather to rescue the protagonist, Aldo Trapani, from a brutal gang and train him.
"However, we are fighting a brutal, ruthless gang of terrorists, who exploit any possible advantage beyond all human decency or morals."
She was beautiful, yeah, but she was also one of the two leaders of West Germany's most notoriously brutal gang of terrorists, the Zwilling Horde.
The story centers on a 1931 heiress kidnapped for ransom by a brutal gang, whose mentally-impaired "leader" (Scott Wilson) (his mother really runs things) falls in love with her.
Then hard reality intruded, of a kind that reminded me of Herbert Spencer's reference to a beautiful dream murdered by a brutal gang of facts.
He quickly discovers that the lovely town where he grew up is now ruled by a brutal gang of ruthless criminals who bring with intimidation and blackmail the people to sell them their business.
He vowed the council would "free Syria from the brutal gangs of Assad's regime," and named himself as its leader.
(DE) Mr President, Schengen and ever more brutal criminal gangs undoubtedly make it essential to adopt a tougher approach to the illegal possession of firearms and to organised crime.
Ms. Hayslip is raped by a brutal gang of Vietcong.