Baboons, (or thoths, as they are known), are used to track down runaway slaves, often with brutal consequences.
Public executions were part of the formula, designed to deter criminals by demonstrating the brutal consequences of crime if apprehended.
The loss of prized possessions is one of the brutal consequences of the use of force by sovereign states to resolve grievances.
Now Ames has to face the brutal consequences.
The brutal consequences depicted on page after page of the historical novel left Maia nauseated by the time she finished.
And the show's perspective moves from the distanced overview of those for whom war seems like an abstract game to the immediate, brutal consequences of such strategizing.
He knew the fear of the populace and the brutal consequences of any real or imagined defiance.
If the process did not have such brutal consequences, it would be farcical.
Ward portrayed a society woman who embezzles money and turns to an Asian ivory dealer (Hayakawa) for help, with brutal consequences.
Our intention is to try to defeat prejudice because it is irrational and frequently brings brutal consequences.