Bowie has stated that although he can see with his injured eye, his colour vision was mostly lost and a brownish tone is constantly present.
Young caps start out light brown and fade to off-white or light gray at maturity, sometimes with yellowish or brownish tones.
A cross-like figure is formed by overlapping yellow or brownish tones on the upper neck, back and shoulders.
Jennifer Tipton's backdrop lighting keeps close to the brownish tones.
They can be yellowish or brownish tones of color.
The sexes are similar, but juveniles are duller, with a brownish tone to the plumage.
These occur in brownish tones interlayered with white and gray.
Their skin, what little of it showed outside their leather and metal armor, was a light brownish tone, almost like the color of cured tobacco.
B. roxanae is another lookalike, but with less bright coloring, brownish tones on its cap, and no reticulation on the stem.
Look for eggplants with glossy skins, no wrinkling and no brownish or off-color tone to the skin.