Now the brows of these brothers grew black indeed, for they saw that their fate was on them.
Harry's brow grew black; I could see his effort to choke back his anger.
Echo's shriveled brow grew more wrinkled as she came to a decision.
She ran a finger up Kuhl's forearm, and his brow grew shiny with human-smelling sweat.
Great-aunt Drucilla's brows grew, producing some more new, if small, wrinkles.
He spoke in low tones with Picard, whose brow was growing black and knotted with anxiety.
A self-righteous frown knit his brow and his voice grew more assertive.
His brow grew heavy and furrowed with concern while he gazed down at the sensor image of the child growing inside of Beverly.
The king's brow again grew dark, and his sullen looks stared at the chess-board.
The brows ,Ose, his black eyes grew huge, and his face went white.