To protect them, the judge turned off the courtroom camera and microphone when the brothers testified yesterday.
The brothers testified that the fraud began in 1993 and lasted until discovered by law enforcement in 2007.
The brother recovered and testified in a trial that cost Ms. Williams and her family more than $30,000.
It turned out that one brother, the older one, was testifying against the other.
His defense recently suffered a setback when the judge ruled that his two younger brothers, 48 and 57, could testify against him.
When the young woman's brother testified, he recalled that midnight phone call.
The boy's 18-year-old sister and his 14-year-old brother testified last week, and also caused problems for the prosecution, analysts said.
"No sir, I don't remember any such thing," the victim's brother testified.
"Were you in the courtroom when your brother testified in that trial?"
A second officer stepped out and both tried to handcuff Tony, the two brothers testified.