The three brothers had migrated one by one over the last 30 years from Aquin, Haiti.
His brother migrated to Uruguay to start a business there, when Sagra was three years old.
Unable to find work, Fisher and his brother migrated to Queensland in 1885.
The two brothers migrated from England in the 1880s and sold goods door-to-door.
After working with pick and shovel building railroad tunnels in the northwest, the two brothers migrated to southern California to work in agriculture.
Her brothers remained Hindu and eventually migrated to India.
Pascoe and his brother, George, migrated to United States.
His brother later migrated to India.
The history of this village dates back to around 300 years ago, when two brothers from Afghanistan migrated to Punjab.
During the partition of India in 1947, he and his older brothers migrated to Pakistan.