"Film noir created an image of the world for me because of its brooding nature, because of its sense of fatalism."
But besides his frequent absences, there was another barrier to friendship with him: he seemed of a reserved, an abstracted, and even of a brooding nature.
Alfred Soto of The Quietus observes a "joy" in his singing that "leavens the often brooding nature" of the music.
Rather than using "metalcore" to promote the band, Victory began promoting them as "devil-core" or "evil-core" to emphasize the dark, brooding nature of the music and lyrics.
The duo, under the direction of Schwartz, would revitalize the Batman with a series of stories reestablishing the character's dark, brooding nature.
Light talk of the kind which Moonglum seemed to enjoy was contrary to his own brooding nature.
Unlike the brooding serious nature of his "Fallen Angel" persona, Curry Man was a dancing, cartoonish comedy act.
He was about thirty, it seemed, athletic, wealthy, a man of strong tastes and a somber, brooding nature.
Examples include an angsty brooding nature more reminiscent of Batman than Superman; and moments where he breaks the law and uses his powers to his advantage.
His was a brooding nature.