According to Pausanias, Echembrotus offered a bronze tripod to Heracles when the latter won at the Amphictyonic Games.
Originally, this would have been topped by a bronze tripod - a prize awarded in choral competitions during the Classical era.
Beside it stood a small silver cruse in a bronze tripod.
A single lamp was burning on a heavy bronze tripod, tall as two men.
Examples of the superb bronze tripods of the early Shang dynasty can be seen in many of the world's museums.
I wheeled out the great bronze tripod, and filled its bowl from the spring, dipping the water out in a jug shaped like a horse's head.
Then Orik had an aide bring in a mirror mounted on a bronze tripod.
The Daphnephoros dedicated a bronze tripod in the temple of Apollo, and Pausanias (ix.
The other object, a bronze tripod, was returned by the Getty to Italy in 1997.
Beside him, on a bronze tripod, lay his helmet, the Achæan helmet, with its two horns and with the bronze spear-point still fast in the gold.