Sintashta settlements are also remarkable for the intensity of copper mining and bronze metallurgy carried out there, which is unusual for a steppe culture.
Some areas like the civilization of Vila Nova seem to have remained apart from the spread of bronze metallurgy remaining technically in the Chalcolithic period for centuries.
These exchanges allowed the technique of bronze metallurgy to spread to surrounding polities.
Indo-European language brought with it bronze metallurgy used for weapons, an ideology of hierarchy and a male-dominated pantheon of horse-riding sky gods, she said.
They developed bronze metallurgy to a large extent, satisfying their own needs for weapons and richly designed and executed decorations.
The Shang Dynasty technology of bronze metallurgy seems to be the descendant of high temperature ceramic-making techniques used by the late Neolithic Longshan Culture.
Thus it is not surprising that humans only mastered the technology of smelted iron after several millennia of bronze metallurgy.
The emergence and development of bronze metallurgy is accompanied by numerous substantial changes in economic and social life, in the spiritual life, and in the arts.
The adoption of bronze metallurgy allows gradual dominance and influence in the region.