Parrish Maynard offered a new staccato excitement as the bronze idol.
Johan Renvall did some fine jumping of his own as the Bronze Idol.
Great bronze idols glowered from their pedestals; fearful things, that looked like the creations of a Chinese pipe dream.
The most exciting dancing of the night came from Herman Cornejo as the Bronze Idol.
He will perform the Bronze Idol in "La Bayadere" on Saturday night.
The Emperor was greatly pleased and asked young Araniko to repair an important bronze idol presented as a gift by a Song emperor.
The museum houses a rare collection of archaeological and historic artifacts, bronze idols, ancient ornaments, a temple chariot and ivory carvings.
In the solo for a Bronze Idol, Joaquin De Luz was a high and precise jumper.
An annual three-day procession follows Maha Sivarathri Day, observed every year since 1951 following the rediscovery of the bronze idols in 1950.
Some of the popular bronze idols are those of Gajasamharamurti and Bhikshadana (Shiva as mendicant).