For his livelihood, he worked in a bronze foundry by day, studying drawing and sculptural modeling at night.
He established his own bronze foundry in 1910-14, in Ghent, which was managed by his son.
While there, he established a bronze foundry to help students learn to manage small businesses.
He founded the bronze foundry at the Academy and brought the first founders.
However, in 1982 a new industry was born as three bronze foundries opened in the local area.
Her father, Frank, "first-generation Italian and proud of it," she said, operated a bronze foundry.
In addition to heading the Sculpture Department, Freeman was also tasked with creating a bronze foundry for students.
A bronze foundry was established to the south of the palatial complex.
There are now two bronze foundries in town and a third in nearby Enterprise.
Caproni worked with these sculptors to model the original plasters before these major pieces went to a bronze foundry.