Among the gods, Ares was recognized by his bronze armor; he brandished a spear in battle.
In a warmer climate bronze armor would be hot and thus decrease the wearer's ability to fight effectively for long periods.
A handful of barbarian women passed, arms and shoulders the color of their bronze armor.
Flashing before him was the savage body of a woman covered head to foot with interlocking scales of thick bronze armor.
And all because the Sharnhaishians acquired a few thousand primitives in bronze armor.
And the arm that swung the blade was clad in bronze armor.
They took their places beside Nabona, who was wearing a suite of polished bronze armor.
Orlando had charged out in front of all the others, he said, the gleaming bronze armor of Achilles impossible to miss.
And it has as its protector a champion in bronze armor, a human in clock-work attire.
"The Magnar's men are disciplined, and they have bronze armor," he told them.