In the 1950s, due to a severe bronchial condition, he and his wife moved to Palm Desert, California.
Orwell was subject to bronchial conditions throughout his life, but it is not certain whether he was suffering from influenza or pneumonia.
She had suffered for some months from a severe bronchial condition, said a friend, Lou Guzzo, who is a television commentator.
Duncombe was plagued by a bronchial condition that would eventually kill him.
"Examination suggested he apparently suffers from a recurrence of a bronchial condition."
We are told nearly eleven thousand troops have been treated with frostbite, bronchial conditions and the like.
The cause of death was a combination of malnutrition, pneumonia, a bronchial condition and throat cancer.
However, she cancelled three subsequent performances due to suffering a bronchial condition.
Apparently she picked up some kind of bronchial condition.
The family stopped in California to treat Olivia's bronchial condition and high temperature.