The fact that brokers themselves sometimes find it hard to trust one another only compounds the level of suspicion in real estate.
Like the architects, brokers are finding ways to make more use of the data they gather while doing their jobs.
But brokers have found that this can usually be traded for a lesser reduction in the asking price.
In fact, brokers are finding that they need a greater amount of formal education just to deal with each other.
Even if a broker found them a less expensive rental, "it doesn't balance out in the end," she said.
Trouble was, neither I nor my broker could find a practical way to invest in amber stock!
In addition, the seller's broker offered - and found him - alternative accommodations.
More significantly, brokers find many new clients are reluctant to sign on with Oxford.
Still, even some traditional lenders and brokers are finding that going online is a good way to increase business.
But in the first-class market, which brokers find particularly lucrative, the story is different.