Often the broker arranges for financing or helps secure capital for the airline - a kind of investment banking for aviation.
The locate component attempts to reduce failure to deliver securities by requiring a broker possess or have arranged to possess borrowed shares.
The broker often arranges for several money managers to carry out that plan.
The broker then arranges for a foreign broker to make the purchase.
The American broker must then arrange for delivery of the actual stock certificates to a custodian, usually a large international or foreign bank.
During three years after 1998, the two brokers arranged loans from Lehman using the money of Bank One customers as collateral without their permission.
Our broker arranged both for us.
Four or more months' advance booking is advised for the rest of the high season, although brokers can sometimes arrange last-minute charters.
She and their broker arranged for Tom to meet privately that afternoon with Abby Green, the president of the Ascotshire's board.
On the rarest of occasions, brokers arrange the partnership themselves.