They are traces, like the overgrown ruts in the field across the valley where goats graze among broken Jewish tombstones.
The church wants to clean up the plots that have become overgrown with saplings and poison ivy and repair broken tombstones.
These human remains, mixed up with broken tombstones and other debris, were later taken away in trucks to an unknown destination.
A toad hopped under one of the broken tombstones.
The troops, it is said, baked bread on broken tombstones, turning out loaves with readable inscriptions.
He purrs as I stroke him for the last time before the vet gestures me back in, his face a broken tombstone.
The play opens as the older couple halts for the night and Zelda lights Shabbat candles on a broken tombstone.
He didn't say a word, just looked out over the grass and broken tombstones, waiting.
Twelve broken tombstones lie at the base of the water tower.
He said that so far, about three dozen broken tombstones had been repaired and that the work would continue this fall and next year.