Soon the land became skeletal, a plain marked by broken stumps of trees that must once have risen tall.
On the verge of exasperation, she climbed a broken stump and peered into the brushy distance.
It took them nearly five minutes of hand-and-foot chipping to reduce the dying tree to a ragged broken stump.
The broken stump with spreading roots was adding an unnecessary burden and slowing Whinney down.
He rubbed the broken stump of the astrogator's arm, shyly.
She could see the broken stump of the connecting stem.
The broken stumps of the pharoses loom in the background.
A twisted, broken black stump rose thirty yards from me, in the field's center.
They were all about forty feet long, high at bow and stern, with the broken stump of a single mast visible amidships.
He grinned and it showed yellow broken stumps projecting from the gums.