One man darted a broken oar at the master; but his foot slipping at the time, he missed him, which fortunately saved that officer's life.
And there's that broken oar ready to hand.
Somehow his hand found the splintered end of a broken oar.
Twice within five miles they found flotsam cast up on the beach, a canvas life-jacket and a broken oar.
A broken oar represents interruption in some anticipated pleasure.
Not driving for a ram, however, so much as clawing forward with broken oars and wounded rowers.
There was nothing at hand but their fishing rods and bait, and the broken oar handle.
The shark nearly sank the boat before Schleisser killed it with a broken oar.
But the black giant still had his broken oar, and he swung it with terrific force.
The other was still locked to the broken oar which moved slightly with the ebb and flow.