He sent His Son to redeem our broken covenant.
'Was there no a soond as o' a great crying, the crying for a broken covenant and a sinful generation?
Today is the seventh anniversary of the unholy and quickly broken covenant between Antichrist and Israel.
However, God knew limited human beings could not make sufficient atonement, for humanity's offense to God was infinite, so God created a covenant with Abraham, which he fulfilled when he sent his only Son to become the sacrifice for the broken covenant.
Yet broken covenants required blood sacrifice.
About the perfidious "broken covenant"?
This led to a broken covenant between Yahweh and Israel and "divorce," manifested as defeat by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon followed by exile, from which the northern kingdom never recovered.
The exilic Dtr2 overwrote this with warnings of a broken covenant and inevitable punishment and exile for sinful (in Dtr2's view) Judah.
The broken tablets dramatically proclaim the broken covenant.
This led to a broken covenant between them and "divorce," manifested as defeat by an enemy nation followed by exile, from which the northern kingdom never recovered.